to ask an amount of money for something, especiallya service or activity
The bank charged commission to change my traveller's cheques.
an enemy
The two countries have united against their common foe.
causing you to have fear or respect for something or someone because they are large, powerful or difficult
weakness and lack of health or strength
Though ill for most of her life, physical frailty never stopped her fromworking.
to look at something or someone for a long time, especiallyin surprise, admiration or because you are thinking about something else
Annette gazed admiringly at Warren as he spoke.
(of a pig) to make a low rough noise
The pigs were grunting contentedly as they ate their food.
7.hold your own
to be as successful as otherpeople or things in a situation
Josie can hold her own in any argument.
beautiful, powerful or causing great admiration and respect
The white cliffs rise majestically from the sea.
10. season
one of the four periods of the year; spring, summer,autumn or winter
The British football season begins in August and ends in May.
making you think that someone is going to do somethingbad
either of the two openings in the nose through which airmoves when you breathe
The horses came to a halt, steam streaming from their nostrils.
to go away from a place or person inorder to escape from fighting or danger
Attacks by enemy aircraft forced the tanks to retreat (from the city).
in a direction to the left or right, not forwards or backwards
to make a deep rough sound whileshowing the teeth, usually in anger or (of people) to speakor say something angrily and forcefully
The dogs started to snarl at each other so I had to separate them.
very frightening
He told them a spine-chilling ghost story.
17.come clean
to tell the truth about something that you have beenkeeping secret
I thought it was time to come clean (with everybody) about what I'd been doing.
the feeling that there is no hope and that you can do nothing to improve a difficult or worrying situation
To her teacher's despair, Nicole never does the work that she's told to do.
He could hardly contain his fury.
to make a low rough sound, usually in anger
The dog growled at her and snapped at her ankles.
giving all your attention to something
The child stared intently at her.
to live or exist, or to stay energetic and determined, longerthan another person or thing
The queen outlasted all her children.
to frighten someone a lot, especially so that they areunable to move or speak
I think you petrified poor Jeremy - he never said a word the whole timeyou were here.
covered with rust (= metal decay)
(especially of animals) not wild or dangerous, eithernaturally or because of training or long involvement withhumans