Spring break
1.Prepare (line 4, p.98)
Pre- before, early, and prior to
e.g. preschool, prefix, preselect
2.Unlike (line 7, p.98)
Un- no
e.g. unmet, unfunded, unsafe
3.Defrost (line 9, p.98)
De- do the opposite of
e.g. deface, defy, deflect
4.Exhort (line 18, p.98)
Ex- out
e.g. extra, exit, export
5.District (line 31, p.99)
Dis- be apart of
e.g. distract, distance, distribute
6.Overhaul (line 36, p.99)
Over- cover
e.g. overlap, overcome, oversee
7.Transportation (line 68, p.99)
trans- across
e.g. transparent, transpire, transform
Antibiotic (line 67, p. 106)
Anti- : against, not in favor
anticipate, anticline, antibody
8.Contribute (line 51, p. 106)
Con-: with, together
condense, conserve, contest
9.Inefficient (line 37, p. 106)
In-: not
inelegant, inactive, inelastic
10.Unpleasant (line 87, p. 106)
Un-: no, not
unhappy, unbelievable, ungrateful
Defensive (line 108, p. 106)
De-: down, reverse
delete, decrease,decease
11.Commercial (line 29, p. 105)
Com-: with, together
compose, common, command
12.Advocate (line 61, p. 106)
Ad-: to, toward
admit, advice, adjust
13.Ecosystem (line 43, p. 106)
Eco-: environment, nature, house
ecological, ecocide,ecofrea