sur- : on, outside, exceed
surface, surplus, surrealism
se- : go away, part, divide
select, segregate, seduce
stay the same
He remained unmoved by her tears
belonging to or existing in times before recorded history
prehistoric settlements
take to be the case or to be true
accept without verification or proof
the length of a straight line passing through the center of a circle and connecting two points on the circumference
a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment
come out into view, as from concealment
Suddenly, the proprietor emerged from his office
an arm or leg of a person or four-legged animal, or a bird's wing.
To take one example, the default model for development of the limb of a bird is not the chicken's foot, but that of a duck.
8. penetrate
succeed in forcing a way into or through (a thing).
I could never penetrate his thoughts
9. rot
chiefly of animal or vegetable matter) decay or cause to decay by the action of bacteria and fungi; decompose.
the process of decaying.
Many producers are letting the beans rot on the trees, since it makes little economic sense to harvest them.
10. meteor
a streak of light in the sky at night that results when a meteoroid hits the earth's atmosphere and air friction causes the meteoroid to melt or vaporize or explode
11. sail
travel in a boat with sails, especially as a sport or recreation.
move smoothly and rapidly or in a stately or confident manner.
a piece of material extended on a mast to catch the wind and propel a boat, ship, or other vessel.
something resembling a sail in shape or function, in particular.
From there, he went on to join a yacht crew to sail from Belize to Tahiti.
12. adapt
make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.
Being able to adapt to any hill conditions or terrain is what makes good skiers great.
13. fairly
to a moderately sufficient extent or degree
14. redirect
channel into a new direction
redirect your attention to the danger from the fundamentalists
15. frontier
a wilderness at the edge of a settled area of a country
the individualism of the frontier in Andrew Jackson's day
16. alert
condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action
bombers were put on alert during the crisis
17. cylinder
a solid geometric figure with straight parallel sides and a circular or oval section.
Smoke has started to filter out of the evenly spaced holes along one side of the cylinder .
18. desperately
in a way that shows despair.
I am desperately heartbroken for all the people involved in this terrible tragedy.
19. foliage
plant leaves, collectively.
The green foliage bent deep towards the ground, out of respect for the snow.
20. lean
a deviation from the perpendicular; an inclination.
be in or move into a sloping position.
of a person or animal) thin, especially healthily so; having no superfluous fat.
He was more lean than muscular, though not out of shape.
21. shrug
22. muddy
dirty with mud
These data would have muddied the prediction
23. consolation
the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment
24. lame
someone who doesn't understand what is going on
25. layer
single thickness of usually some homogeneous substance
slices of hard-boiled egg on a bed of spinach